Online Spiritual Direction in the Contemplative Style
Roots and Wings Ministries offers online spiritual direction, group discernment, and workshops to empower the follower of Christ to live life preferring God above the noise of the world. Rooted and grounded in God's Word the believer is free to soar high with the Holy Spirit in whatever way God invites them.
About Me . . .
I grew up in Pennsylvania and have been a North Carolina resident since 2005.
I hold a B.A. in Psychology and a Masters level teacher's certification in the Education of Exceptional Children K-12.
I have worked in Church Ministry and Administration for over 8 years.
I have completed the following certificate programs in the field of Spiritual Formation:
Certificate of Training in Spiritual Direction through Leadership Transformation Institute's (LTI) Selah program.
Certificate of Catholic Theology with the Augustine Institute.
Certificate of Training in Spiritual Formation through Leadership Transformation Institute's (LTI) Abide program.
Certificate of Completion in a course in Ignatian Spirituality from Boston College.
In the Fall of 2024, I began working on a certificate in Spiritual Formation from The Avila Institute.
​https://avila-institute.org/spiritual-formation/ and intend to complete this certificate in 2025.
More information about my 2024-2025 ongoing education can be found on the Whats's New tab.
The BIG news for 2025!
I am in my fourth year of formation with a Secular Institute (a form of consecrated life in the Catholic Church)
and hope to make my first profession of vows in August of the Year of Jubilee 2025!
When I am not working, I love reading, enjoying nature, and spending quiet time with the Lord.
For more information on my background please see the FAQ page.
I look forward to meeting you and for praying for all that God has in store for you!
Directories where you can find me:
Seek Direction: a Catholic match site for directees and spiritual directors
Leadership Transformation Institute: a group of Christian leaders dedicated to spiritual development
The Catholic Best: a Catholic directory helping you find the best Catholic services and products
You can also find me on:
FB ane IG @deeplyrootedandsoaringhigh
IG @contemplative_ciay : where you can find reflective prompts coinciding with the
Catechism in a Year podcast by Ascension Press
The vision behind Roots and Wings Ministries is to be rooted and grounded deeply in God's Word while also embracing the Holy Spirit so we are free to hear and act on all that God is asking of us. Individuals are seen as followers of Christ and not just their particular Christian denomination. The Body of Christ needs one another - what is most important to this ministry is that you become fully who God wants you to be, healthy and whole, and wherever He has called you. Whether Catholic or Protestant you are welcome here to deepen your relationship with the One Christ Jesus who is our Lord and Savior.

At a very young age I had a fascination with wanting to hear the voice of God in my life. Whether it was through a captivating sunset, a word from a friend, or Holy Scripture speaking to me in a new way, I longed to be attentive to God's still small voice. I grew up knowing Jesus as my closest Friend and Holy Spirit and my guide. This led to a lifelong journey of discerning how to hear God and know that it was Him and not myself. Spiritual Direction has been, and continues to be, a true gift in my life. We do not have to travel this life alone, and sometimes we just need a prayerful companion to help us see, hear, and know His living word
being spoken to our own soul. It is my great honor and
privilege to now pay this gift forward to others
who like me, want to be transformed by God.
Spiritual Direction is for any follower of Christ who wants to grow in their intimacy with the Lord. Sometimes people seek out a spiritual director when they are in the desert with God - when prayer seems dry or boring. A person may be making a big decision, discerning their call to ministry or religious vocation, or going through a big change in their life. But more often spiritual direction is for anyone who is hungering for a deeper connection
with God and wants to grow in their Christian walk.
Spiritual direction may be right for you if:
- you want to grow in sensing when God is speaking
to you or when it is your own voice
- you want to apply God's written word and His rhema word to your life creating deep and lasting transformation
- you want to grow in your dependence on the Holy Spirit
to guide you throughout your days
Spiritual direction is first tried out - risk free - there's no commitment to continue coming unless you feel led, or desire to do so. It's confidential making it perfect for those in ministry who need a place to process outside of their teams. It is free of judgment - allowing God to meet you where you are - and then letting the Holy Spirit reveal what needs to be revealed.
I invite you to see why spiritual direction
is such a valued gift to the church! I have saved a space for you!

Contact Information
For more information, to ask questions, or to schedule a session please email me at the address below: