What's New! and Coming Soon!
Here you will find what is new to Roots and Wings Ministries.
New retreats, workshops, guest appearances, fun things to share,
and announcements will all come be seen here first!

What's New or Coming Soon
COMING SOON! Friends in Faith Collection
One of my passions is making connections with friends who are working hard to provide for their families while honoring their faith.
Coming soon in February 2025, I will be adding a page to my website that will be called my "Friends in Faith" page. It will be a place where I share faith-filled stories, services, and products from women who have made a difference in my life. I hope this page builds community and shares ideas that may also touch your heart and bring some joy to you and your family.
Sneak peak: did you ever walk in wonder through a Field of Dandelions?!
Part Two: Hey Ignatius!!
In order to expand my knowledge and experience of and better serve those who are richly fed by Ignatian Spirituality during 2024-2025 I will be completing the following:
1. Completing a course on Ignatian Spirituality through Boston College
2. Completing the online 30 day Cloisters Ignatian Prayer from Cloister on the Platte Retreat
3.Completing the online 34 week, 19th Annotation, with Creighton University
While my personal style of direction is not Ignatian based, I embrace the richness and depth of Ignatian Spirituality. I am dedicated to expanding my experience of the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian discernment methods in order to better serve my directees.
These studies will not "certify" me to walk one through the Spiritual Exercises, but they will give me a framework of understanding from which to journey with those that are fed by the rich teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Part One: I am blessed to continue my education and formation with The Avila Institute
When I first knew that God was calling me to go to school to become a spiritual director I prayed for a long time about what program to attend. I was surprised that God asked me to attend a Protestant program but I obeyed with trust and joy ... and it was the best and right decision for me.
This beautiful program I attended was well-rounded, grounded in the Word, completely honoring and appreciative of spiritual directions roots in the Catholic Church, deeply contemplative, and transformative.
One of my values in starting Roots and Wings Ministries has always been to provide spiritual direction for any person who is seeking a deeper walk with Christ Jesus. As a Missionary this is absolutely part of my vocation.
I was so confident in my SD training that I went on to getting a certificate in Spiritual Formation from the same Institute.
After completing both of these programs God asked me to pray about more training to continue growing, loving and learning.
I am so pleased to announce that in a season of great need the Avila Institute granted me a full scholarship to their Spiritual Formation certificate program. This program will also include 4 of the courses that are required for their Spiritual Direction program. (I will not be getting another spiritual direction certificate from Avila, but I will be taking 4 of the courses that overlap between the Spiritual Direction and the Spiritual Formation program)
This program will expand and enhance my training, grow my Catholic community, and keep me transforming as a person and as a spiritual director.
Thank you Avila Institute for this amazing opportunity!