Ways to Support
Roots and Wings Ministries
These are various ways to support this new and growing ministry. God has always been faithful in providing for me and my needs but sometimes He invites others to partner with Him to ease the burdens of others. Myself and those I serve are grateful for your generosity, gifts, and prayers. You may use this link to donate and mark with the memo of our choice from the list below:

any amount
Spiritual direction is my primary and only way of providing for my daily living expenses. Donations given using the memo "general funds" will go to helping me pay my monthly bills such as food, rent, electricity, internet (used for the practice), and phone.

Gift of One Free Session
Give the gift of spiritual direction! I am committed to reserving free monthly slots for those in need who want to attend spiritual direction.The number of free slots will increase as my practice grows, however, sometimes the need extends beyond the free slots I am able to offer. Your generous gift of $30 provides a woman or man in need with the gift of attending a spiritual direction for free. No commitment of how many months you are able to give is needed. Every monthly gift
goes to a person in need.
Use the donation link and the memo "one session free"

3 Month Sponsorship
Give the gift of spiritual direction! I am committed to reserving free monthly slots for those in need who want to attend spiritual direction.The number of free slots will increase as my practice grows, however, sometimes the need extends beyond the free slots I am able to offer. Your generous one-time gift of $90 provides a woman or man in need with the gift of attending spiritual direction free for three months.
Use the donation link and the memo "three months free"

6 Month Sponsorship
Give the gift of spiritual direction! I am committed to reserving free monthly slots for those in need who want to attend spiritual direction.The number of free slots will increase as my practice grows, however, sometimes the need extends beyond the free slots I am able to offer. Your generous one-time gift of $180 provides a woman or man in need with the gift of attending spiritual direction free for six months.
Use the donation link and the memo "six months free"

Support my Vocation
to Consecrated Life
any amount
As a member of a Secular Institute I am financially independent. Unlike religious life where one lives in a convent or monastery members of Secular Institutes - a form of consecrated life - remain responsible for their own finances. Every financial gift helps with my day to day living costs as well as needs related to my vocation. These include the medical accommodations I need in order to travel to the required annual gatherings, the special food that I need while at these gatherings, and fuel for my car. Use the donation link and memo "Annual gatherings" to give to this fund.

Decreasing Debt
any amount
In 2021, my chronic illness led to me needing to quit my full-time (outside of the home) job and adopt online spiritual direction as my main source of income (as I can do that from home.)
Since then, I have acquired debt as I sought to treat my medical conditions without medical insurance and had to move out of a dangerous living situation that was worsening my symptoms. Though my living conditions have improved the corresponding debt remains. Due to my basic life needs not being met currently I do not have the ability to put much towards paying the debt down.
Use the donation link and the memo "medical debt" to give to this fund.